Python playsound error
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關於「Python playsound error」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1winsound —— Windows 系统的声音播放接口— Python 3.9.14 ...
duration 参数则指定了声音应持续的毫秒数。若系统无法让扬声器发声,则会触发 RuntimeError 。 winsound. PlaySound ( ...
- 2playsound - PyPI
Pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependencies for playing sounds.
- 3Python 播放音效簡易版. 概述 - Kiwi lee
以下找了幾種方法,按照需求選擇,不一定我最後選擇的就是最好的。 playsound; pyAudio; pyGame; cvlc. 方法. playsound. 安裝方法: pip instal...
- 4Python playsound - play mp3 sound files - CodersLegacy
The Python playsound library offers an easy and simple way to play sound files in Python. From al...
- 5Python实用模块(二十九)playsound - 迷途小书童的Note - 编程
playsound 支持多平台,仅仅依赖于 python 。 安装. 官方给出的安装方法是 pip install playsound. 但是我在执行的时候, ...